We envision research (co-)led by trauma survivors which constructively disrupts
harmful institutional approaches and builds on new approaches based on collective power.
This research should support healing processes and translate into lasting practice, policy and societal changes that serve survivors and prevent further trauma.

This map captures the vision, values and principles underpinning ethical survivor-controlled research, or research led by or involving people with lived experience of neglect, abuse, violence, and/or trauma.
The map was created through a collaborative process of reflecting, discussing, challenging, and imagining what
research by and for survivors should look and feel like.
It also builds on the Survivors Voices Charter.

It stands to capture what we strive to achieve while recognising
that we are imperfect humans who do mistakes and are limited by the structures we operate within.
The map is shaped and reshaped as we find our way in the current landscape and carve out new paths for survivor-controlled research in and outside of academia.

All travellers on this journey are welcome to use and adapt this map.