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We speak with authenticity and respect.

We are honest with ourselves and each other, and we do so with empathy and kindness.

We listen with the intention of hearing and understanding.

We are transparent in our approach and consistent in what we say and what we do.

We resist binaries and recognise that multiple, sometimes contradicting, realities can exist at once.

We are curious and we celebrate difference.

We are self-aware and reflexive, and we take care not to project onto others.

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Open & Honest

We ensure research participants are given opportunities to review and amend their data, kept informed of the developments and outputs of the research, and invited to stay connected after the end of the research.

We communicate our findings and share our work in ways that are clear and accessible.

Please remember that these principles capture what we strive to achieve, but we are imperfect messy humans who struggle, get tired, do mistakes, and are often constricted by the parameters of the systems and structures we operate within.

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